Instead of blaring music, I let the thoughts come to my mind. At first it was about my dear sweet boy and how he just had his 3rd birthday the day before. About how grown up and independent he is and how much joy his laughter and smile bring to my life. And then the pain came. The tangible pain in my heart that makes me believe I have another child out there somewhere. Not sure where, not sure when they will come to my life, but I KNOW there is another child out there for our family. And it physically hurts so bad I cry. I can't heal that pain until my child is in my arms. I know that it's isn't time yet to start the adoption road to find the child God has in store for us.
Until that time I can help others start to heal the ache in their heart by helping to put a child in their arms. I love to read all about adopting families blogs and help donate and spread the word when they are doing fund raisers to raise the ransom to pay for their child. Storing Up Treasures is trying to raise $10k in 20 days to give ALL THE MONEY AWAY to 26 adopting families!
I have said it here a hundred times, I am sure I'll say it a million more, but I know that not everyone is called to adopt. BUT EVERYONE CAN HELP BRING A CHILD HOME TO THEIR FOREVER FAMILY!! Please take a minute to check out the post over at Storing Up Treasures. Then seriously consider giving a bit to this wonderful fund raiser. Even just $5 helps an orphan come home!

We must be at the same place in the pre-adoption journey! It makes my insides churn that we are just not ready to begin our process. I get myself into trouble whenever I shop alone; the quiet makes my mind go on overload and I come up with these pie in the sky ideas.
hey jen, if you would like an invite to my private blog let me know and send me the email address you log into blogger with.
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