In case you were wondering...we still have some T-Shirts left. :) I must admit, I am enjoying how widespread these shirts are getting shipped....California, Alaska, Florida, New York....very exciting!!! But what is even more exciting is that for every shirt sold, 3 children in Africa get clean water for a year!! If you are interested in a shirt that will make a difference in the lives of children, head on over to
RECYCLE LOVE FESTIVAL and snag one!! Orders are shipped usually within 2 days, unless we are temporarily out of that size. In that case, you will get an immediate email from me letting you know, and also letting you know when we have that size expected back in!
In case you forgot how awesome the shirts are, here are some more pics! The pic of shirts getting ready to ship on my table is just to show the color difference. The crew and womens shirts are the darker grey, the V is the lighter. And I must add.... my shirt is totally my new favorite!! Seriously so soft and comfy! :)
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