Now I am thinking it may be time to venture out and try something new. The church is great, don't get me wrong, but I just am not sure it's for me any longer. It feels more like a "big" church than it used to. If you aren't part of one of the bible study groups or part of the "clique" then it's hard to get anything from anyone. Phone calls go unanswered. Emails are answered with practically form letters. Interest shown in wanting to be part of the service teams are not replied to. The only people who "know" me are the child care workers. And that used to be okay for me. I enjoyed my anonymity. Now I feel an urging for "more".
There is a church that opened a couple months ago not too far from here, just over the river. I first noticed it while the building was being remodeled and had a sign mentioning that a new church was coming. And ever since that first time I noticed the sign about it....every time I drive my it catches my eye. I always look at it. I always have to read the sign. I always "wonder" what it's like inside. I am now thinking that it may be God's way of saying "check it out". Or I could be crazy... but I think I am going to go this week. I am not going to lie...I may chicken out. I might stick to my comfort zone. And if I do, I'll use my children as an excuse...I'll say it is cuz they love their Sunday School classes so much I don't want to jostle them around. But hopefully I'll take a step out and try something new. Might just be what my soul needs!

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