Monday, April 5, 2010

Bit of an update

First off, thank you to everyone who reached out to share your love and support and prayers! Our family is humbled beyond belief. We made it through another month of no work, and couldn't of done it without you. I was starting to let thoughts of doubt creep into my mind, and you all rescued me! Praise God for brothers and sisters in Christ! I feel rejuvenated again!

On the home front, a friend who had been staying with us for the last few months went back home, I moved the kids into their own rooms since we just had an empty room, and my wonderful mother in law came for a visit. It's been a crazy hectic last week and a half. It's just the four of us and our crazy cat now.

I also finally just "bit the bullet" so to speak, and applied for pre-school for Jazmine. I have had the application for over a month and just never did it. I thought it was because I was just an airhead and kept forgetting, but when I actually went to talk to my mother in law about it, I started crying. That is my "baby" and she is growing up. Sending her out the door to school does two things. First off, it makes me feel guilty. Almost like I am "pawning" my children off on someone else. And it makes me wonder more and more whether I should be homeschooling or not and I feel guilt about that. Besides the guilt...there is the pain from realizing she is growing up. And fast! Much faster than I ever realized.

She is such an amazing little girl! She is so very smart. (Much too smart for her mama's own good...LOL). She loves with all her heart and soul. She has to give me kisses every time I walk out the door or she will sit and cry the entire time I am gone. She shares, she is polite, she is very intuitive already and easily tunes in to others feelings. And she loves Jesus! Actually, she is already so excited about the fact that we get to see Jesus when we go to Heaven, that she is always asking me "Is God ready for me in Heaven yet?" I always tell her that only God knows when it's our time to go to Heaven, and until then we will live our lives everyday loving on people.

Well, I guess thats about it for now! Once again, THANK YOU to all of you wonderful people out there!!
