Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fallen off the wagon.....

That is what I feel like. I feel like the last couple months I have fallen off the wagon. I have lost focus on what is important in life. I have veered the last couple months from my New Years Resolution that happiness, fulfillment, strength, can only come from the Lord. Through HIM all things are possible. I am getting refocused right now. Some how, though she has no idea she does it, my dear friend Helen is always the one to help me get back on track. Whether it is by a book to read, a bible verse she posted, a website to check out, she helps. And I am so grateful to her.

As I was thinking through how to solve this dilemma of having fallen, I started to try to think of something to help keep me focused. I am a reader. I love to read. But for the very life of me, I struggle so much with the reading of the Bible. I know it's the Lords words, I know I will benefit more than I can possibly imagine through the reading of it, it is just so "not my style". I feel like a terrible Christian and child of God for saying this, but I get bored. So I have ordered two books I am hoping will help me read the Word better. I am so very excited for them to get here!!!


~HeLeN~ said...

I am SO happy to read this. I LOVE hearing people getting back to what is the only thing that matters in life (including me!)!!!

I've heard great things about Lisa,so that should be a great read!!! There are also some online books/studies by Beth Moore..and she is AWESOME!!! I just finished the study on Breaking Free and it changed who I am.

I am praying for you, and not in that just like, closing line -insert I'm praying for you here- but really actually truly praying for you :)